She Surf, The Rise of Female Surfing - Gestalten

Fusing art and heart to dismantle patriarchal narratives of exclusion’

I’m very proud to be featured in a powerful, critical, hopeful and empowering new book written by Lauren Hill and published by Gestalten titled She Surf - The Rise of Female Surfing.

About a year ago, Lauren reached out to me and communicated her powerful vision for a book that would share the most inclusive and diverse narratives of women in surfing encompassing a view to the past, present and future. To me, this approach was the most crucial, honest and necessary stand for women, for surfing and the wider context of the lens we view women’s movement through the world. Further, this book is beyond a ‘best-ever contribution to female surfing’ as noted by a prominent surf website. This book is a statement to surfing fundamentally. The point of inclusion and diversity is to recognise the lived experience of all, not just the few, and to give dignity to that existence. A ‘best-ever contribution to surfing’ would be more apt, breaking down constructed narratives of female spaces.

A heartfelt Thankyou to Lauren and Gestalten for undertaking this monumental project. A heartfelt Thankyou to the wonderful women I have had the opportunity to photograph and be included in this groundbreaking book.

The book is available for purchase worldwide and at
